Friday, August 19, 2011

Weight Loss Tip #1 - Set Goals

The best way to go into a weight loss journey is to know exactly what you want out of it. Having a set goal is a great way to keep yourself focused and motivated on your journey.

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1. Choose a goal weight or size - Pick whichever goal option which will work best for you. Your goal doesn't have to go by the scale; you can use your measuring tape and have a goal to lose inches; you can have a goal article of clothing you would like to fit in; you can have a goal before picture of yourself or someone who motivates you.

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2. Design a plan of action - once you know where you want to be, jot down different ideas on how you can achieve your goal(s). For me I knew I wanted to go with the diet and exercise route. For my workouts I committed to 6 days per week and for my diet I committed to consuming 1, 200 calories per day. (You don't have have to go with the diet and exercise route to reach your goal, this is just what I found to be the best option for me after doing my research)

3. Aim for realistic goals - Don't over exaggerate your goals. Ex. Trying to lose 10 pounds every week is an unrealistic goal

4. Think short term goals - Once you have your long term goal set. Try to set short term goals so that you have checkpoints along the way. Ex. If you plan on losing 50 pounds you may want to take it 5 lb at a time or for every 10 lb you lose you can reward yourself (not with junk food, LOL).

5. Pick a date - Set a goal date of when you would like to reach your goal. This step is crucial. Before setting the date take into consideration all the factors which could deter you from reaching your goal by this date. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR DATE. If you stumble on your journey, get back up and keep on going!

6. Modify your lifestyle to fit your new plans - Make time in your schedule in order to execute your plan of action.

7. Record everything - Keep a journal of all your activities.

8. Keep focus - Remember your purpose for being on your journey.

Stay Fab&Fit
Thanks for stopping by!


Great post! I'm trying to get myself motivated to start living a healthier lifestyle, this was helpful!

I'm glad I can help! Good luck with your WLJ!

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