Sunday, May 29, 2011

Take It Easy! - Eating Out

Eating out is one of the easiest and hardest things to do when it comes to dieting. It's easy because of it's quick fix to your hunger pains and there are no worries of having to cook, clean, or in this case having to serve yourself. Surprisingly, the hardest part of eating out comes in less than 5 minutes after you walk in, it's when you place your order.

When eating out while on a diet or healthy lifestyle journey it's common to use a trip to a restaurant as a treat and unbeknownst to you the advertisements on the menu can easily change a once self controlled mind set to a hungrier, more careless  mindset. 

My ultimate weakness is the brownie obsession from T.G.I. Friday's. The other day I went to TGIF with a few girlfriends of mine and since I'm on a diet I only ordered one dish and a had it with a nice glass of water. Somehow I convinced myself that at resturants the salads they serve are just as fattening as the main course meals... stupid, I know. So I scratched all that and the only thing I wanted was a brownie obsession. This dish alone was 960 calories... yea, needless to say that on a 1200 calorie diet, a 960 cal dish is NOT helping what so ever. My next mini weigh in was HELL. #FAIL. Not worth it.

So the moral of the story is MIND over MATTER. When eating out  write down your goal (weight, inspiration, etc...) on your wrist or the palm of your hand and right before you order look at it. It's a reminder of how far you've come and what you are putting on the line. One trip to the restaurant may be a quick fix but it can also be one of your greatest setbacks.

Stay Fab&Fit,


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